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Dr David Mason دانشگاه ویکتوریا - نیوزیلند

Dr David Mason

Undergrad Programme Director
School of Information Management

Phone: 04 463 7435
Fax: 04 463 5446
Location: Room 501, Rutherford House 23 Lambton Quay, Pipitea Campus

Dr David Mason


Dave has over twenty five years experience in the IT industry as a systems analyst and database designer. His research interests focus on Informatics, the intersection of technology, information and people in business and government. His current work includes how to use Internet technologies to create sustainable development in remote communities, how older people are using technology, and how the technology can be applied to education. Dave is an accepting editor on the board of the Journal of IT, Information and Organizations, and the author of three books, numerous book chapters and journal articles.


MSc, London; PGDipFin, DMS, London; GradDip(Psych), Victoria; PhD, Massey

Administrative Responsibilities

  • Undergraduate Programme Director
  • Member of SIM Human Ethics Committee

Current Research Projects

  • An analysis of the peer reviewed research output of all journals publishing hospitality related research.
  • Knowledge management in public sector organisations.

 لیست برخی از مقالات استاد در Emerald

Stakeholder Adoption of e-Government Services: Driving and Resisting Factors
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Online Information Review Volume: 37 Issue: 1 2013
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Getting Started with Cloud Computing
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 30 Issue: 2 2012
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Web Project Management for Academic Libraries
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 28 Issue: 6 2010
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Teaching Information Literacy for Inquiry-based Learning
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 28 Issue: 6 2010
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Library Web Ecology: What You Need to Know as Web Design Coordinator
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 29 Issue: 1 2011
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Progressive Concepts for Semantic Web Evolution: Applications and Developments
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Online Information Review Volume: 35 Issue: 1 2011
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A Social Networking Primer for Libraries
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 29 Issue: 2 2011
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Access Controlled: The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 29 Issue: 3 2011
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Information Architecture: The Design and Integration of Information Spaces
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 29 Issue: 3 2011
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Books, Bytes and Business: The Promise of Digital Publishing
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 29 Issue: 5 2011
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Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Online Information Review Volume: 35 Issue: 6 2011
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Internet Architecture and Innovation
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 29 Issue: 6 2011
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A Guide to Conducting Online Research
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 28 Issue: 2 2010
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Building Library 3.0: Issues in Creating a Culture of Participation
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 28 Issue: 2 2010
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The University of Google: Education in the (Post) Information Age
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 28 Issue: 2 2010
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The Google Generation: Are ICT Innovations Changing Information Seeking Behaviour? Information Search Behaviour Developments and the Future Learner
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 28 Issue: 3 2010
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Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, Volume 44
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Online Information Review Volume: 34 Issue: 4 2010
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Wikipedia: A New Community of Practice?
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 28 Issue: 4 2010
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Understanding User-web Interactions via Web Analytics
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 28 Issue: 4 2010
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The World and Wikipedia: How We are Editing Reality
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 28 Issue: 5 2010
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Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Online Information Review Volume: 35 Issue: 6 2011
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What's in a Word-list? Investigating Word Frequency and Keyword Extraction
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Library Hi Tech Volume: 28 Issue: 4 2010
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Data Mining in Public and Private Sectors: Organizational and Government Perspectives
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Online Information Review Volume: 34 Issue: 6 2010
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Knowledge-based Development for Cities and Societies: Integrated Multi-level Approaches
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Online Information Review Volume: 34 Issue: 6 2010
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Quality and Communicability for Interactive Hypermedia Systems: Concepts and Practices for Design
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Online Information Review Volume: 34 Issue: 6 2010
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Technology Supported Learning and Teaching: A Perspective
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 25 Issue: 6 2007
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Yahoo! to the Max: An Extreme Searcher Guide
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Online Information Review Volume: 30 Issue: 1 2006
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Knowledge Based Working: Intelligent Operating for the Knowledge Age
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 24 Issue: 5 2006
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Online Assessment and Measurement: Case Studies From Higher Education, K-12 and Corporate
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 24 Issue: 5 2006
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Beyond Knowledge Management
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 22 Issue: 6 2004
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The Invisible Web: Searching the Hidden Parts of the Web
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 20 Issue: 1 2002
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Community Informatics: Enabling Communities with Information and Communications Technologies
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Online Information Review Volume: 25 Issue: 1 2001
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Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, 2nd ed.
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David D.M. Mason
Source: Online Information Review Volume: 33 Issue: 2 2009
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Memory Practices in the Sciences
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David D.M. Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 26 Issue: 1 2008
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Understanding and Communicating Social Informatics: A Framework for Studying and Teaching the Human Contexts of Information and Communication Technologies
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David DM Mason
Source: Online Information Review Volume: 30 Issue: 3 2006
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Comparative Perspectives on E-government: Serving Today and Building for Tomorrow
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David D.M. Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 24 Issue: 6 2006
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UML and the Unified Process
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David D.M. Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 22 Issue: 1 2004
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Knowledge Management: Current Issues and Challenges
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David D.M. Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 22 Issue: 2 2004
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Perceptions of knowledge management: a qualitative analysis
Type: Research paper
Author(s): David Mason, David J. Pauleen
Source: Journal of Knowledge Management Volume: 7 Issue: 4 2003
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The Invisible Web: Searching the Hidden Parts of the Web
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Electronic Library, The Volume: 20 Issue: 1 2002
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Community Informatics: Enabling Communities with Information and Communications Technologies
Type: Non-article
Author(s): David Mason
Source: Online Information Review Volume: 25 Issue: 1 2001
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