School of Information Management Prof Pak Yoong vicrotia uni
پنجشنبه 16 خردادماه سال 1392 21:53
Prof Pak Yoong Professor of Info Systems School of Information Management pak.yoong@vuw.ac.nz Phone: 04 463 5878 Fax: 04 463 5446 Location: Room 510, Rutherford House 23 Lambton Quay, Pipitea Campus Currently Teaching INFO 101 - Foundations of Information Systems Course Lecturer INFO 407 - Virtual Workplace: Issues...
Professor of Information Systems Sid Huff
پنجشنبه 16 خردادماه سال 1392 14:26
Introduction Information systems management and strategy Sid's interests centre on the strategic use of information technology. This encompasses such elements as how companies deploy this technology to support, or shape, their strategic goals ; how companies align the use of IT to their business objectives; how senior...
اساتید دانشکده مدیریت دانشگاه اوتاگا
سهشنبه 31 اردیبهشتماه سال 1392 20:56
Our People The Department of Management employs a number of staff in teaching roles, their research interests covering all aspects of the field of management. The Department also employs other staff in important support roles. Select a staff member from the list below for more information. Teaching Staff Professors...
دانشگاه اوتاگا- دانشکده مدیریت
سهشنبه 31 اردیبهشتماه سال 1392 20:44
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) A thesis only research degree. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is awarded on the basis of the submission of a thesis. The thesis should give evidence of the candidate's ability to carry out quality research, that the candidate has shown originality and independence, and that the candidate...
Social Networking & KM
یکشنبه 1 اردیبهشتماه سال 1392 15:36
Social Networking Applications and Knowledge Management Main conference site: http://www.itng.info/ Important Dates Submission Deadline November 16, 2012 Author Notification December 14, 2012 Advance Registration January 11, 2013 Camera Ready February 1, 2013 Themes The study of social networks and social content...
معرفی دانشگاه ویکتوریا- نیوزیلند ولینگتون
شنبه 31 فروردینماه سال 1392 14:13
Faculties and Schools Victoria University has eight Faculties: Faculty of Architecture and Design Victoria Business School (Faculty of Commerce) Faculty of Education Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Graduate Research Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Law Faculty of Science Toihuarewa - a separate...
PhD IN School of Management دانشگاه ویکتوریا - نیوزیلند
چهارشنبه 28 فروردینماه سال 1392 15:28
PhD Programme at the School of Management On this page: About the Doctor of Philosophy Programme Application Information School of Management Contact About the Doctor of Philosophy Programme The PhD is the highest degree offered by the Victoria Business School. It is completed by thesis only and is restricted to areas...
phd in SIM - دانشگاه ویکتوریا- نیوزیلند
چهارشنبه 28 فروردینماه سال 1392 12:06
Information about the PhD Programme at SIM On This Page: How to Apply Overview Supervision Scholarships Also See: Research Student Profiles Recent Graduates School of Information Management Dr Dan Dorner, Research Degrees Programme Director Room: Rutherford House (RH) 411 Tel: 0-4-463 5781 Fax: 0-4-463 5446 Email:...
Dr David Mason دانشگاه ویکتوریا - نیوزیلند
چهارشنبه 28 فروردینماه سال 1392 11:11
Dr David Mason Undergrad Programme Director School of Information Management david.mason@vuw.ac.nz Phone: 04 463 7435 Fax: 04 463 5446 Location: Room 501, Rutherford House 23 Lambton Quay, Pipitea Campus Currently Teaching INFO 101 - Foundations of Information Systems Course Lecturer MMIM 510 - Information Systems...
چهارشنبه 28 فروردینماه سال 1392 10:11
PhD Study PhD level study is offered across a range of disciplines in the Faculty. To find out more, use the links below to visit the PhD page on each of the School websites: School of Accounting and Commercial Law School of Economics and Finance School of Information Management School of Government School of...